
30 June: nice with ocimum Queen of Sheba, foul color, scrawny, very small, not vigorous, little growth, good color.

15 July: the darkest I've ever seen, slow growing, small, low habit, not as vigorous, unique color, more compact.

30 July: novel color, slow growing, looking better, too short and dark for landscape, impressive that a plant can be that dark and still healthy, not great in sun, great color, very unique foliage color, looks black, consistent color, no flowers (which is good).

15 Aug: deadhead, held up well in full sun, great foliage contrast.

30 Aug: healthy, hate the color, deep color, good dark color, small.

15 Sept: few flowers, still very full, deep color, dark foliage still great, dull foliage texture but good as accent.